Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The KMT's referendum ploy......

Found out today that the KMT’s planned referendum actually advocates re-entry to the UN using the name ‘ROC,’ with ‘practical’ titles being used to enter other international organizations.

The Taipei Times has the story here.

This means that if both the KMT’s and DPP’s referendums go ahead as planned then voters will be faced with two choices when they vote in next year’s presidential election, one for entry using ‘Taiwan’ to enter the UN and one using ‘ROC.’

How stupid is that?

I can’t help thinking that this is some kind of cunning ploy by the KMT to nullify the DPP’s referendum as on election day KMT supporters will ignore the DPP’s referendum and vice versa, meaning that neither of them garner enough responses to be valid – a la referendum 2004.

This would defeat the DPP’s aim of making Taiwan’s voice heard around the world and help the KMT curry favor with their red friends across the strait.

Am I mad? Well I haven’t heard Beijing condemn the KMT’s plan, which in reality is just as provocative and implausible as the DPP’s.

In an ironic twist, the DPP actually squandered a great chance to veto the KMT's plebiscite. The referendum review committee only passed the KMT's proposal by 8 votes to 4 meaning that if the 8 DPP members hadn't resigned in a hissy fit after their referendum proposal was turned down in June, they could have blocked the KMT's bid.

Bet they're kicking themselves now!


Runsun said...

Am I mad? Well I haven’t heard Beijing condemn the KMT’s plan,

Just saw it today on news:


Sorry it's in Mandarin. Not sure how much of it is real though.

Anonymous said...

Well said.